It's still the week of the #ecencychallenge where members can talk about their favorite ecency features that they have used overtime. This is my second post and today I am going to be discussing about the "boosting" feature of ecency.


The boosting feature on ecency is the moment when you use your already accumulated ecency points and convert them to upvotes. In view, there are several ways to earn points and these include, referrals, delegation, comment, post, voting, REBLOG, check in, log in, and bonuses. One can view the accumulated ecency from you wallet in the ecency app or the web version.

With this boost feature, you can either use the Points to upvote your post or gift points to a friends post or an article you like. The simple ways to go about this using the ecency app includes:

  • open the ecency app
  • open the article or blog you want to boost
  • from the option at the top right corner, select the boost option
  • it takes you to the boost page and you select the number of points you want
  • there is the $1 for 150points, $1.333 for 200points,$1.667 for 250points and so on.
  • then select next and you are done.


The most amazing thing about the feature is that it has given hope to blogs that did not gain visibility on the hive blockchain. Sometimes it's frustrating to write an article and no on is engaging or commenting or up voting it. But when you submit it for ecency boost review it could be selected within the next 24hours of posting.

In view, this is one of my most utilized feature on ecency and it has really come through for me.

Finally, do not forget to support the ecency proposal, you can pass through this link

The platform has done so well in updating features for our benefits, let's support in our little way.

This is my entry for the ecency challenge hosted by @melinda010100 and @xuwi. You can also join the challenge through this link.

Thanks for stopping by my blog....

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