RE: Day 10 - Advent Calendar 2023, Win prize everyday! 🎄🎁

Hello again!

In Venezuela, it is traditional to eat hallacas. It is made from a corn flour dough, usually dyed with onoto, and stuffed with a stew of beef, pork, and chicken or chicken.

Depending on the region of the country, potatoes, carrots, eggs, chickpeas, plantains, and others are added.

The filling also includes olives, raisins, capers, paprika, and onion.

Afterward, it is wrapped in banana leaves in a rectangular shape, tied with a wick, and boiled for a few hours.

Along with the hallaca, bread stuffed with ham, raisins, olives, and bacon is served. In addition, a good piece of pork leg smoked ham, and a good portion of chicken salad. That would be the Christmas dish and a delicacy of the gods for us Venezuelans.

In my case, it is a dish that I can eat all year round because in my family we are fans of it and we prepare it for the birthdays of the family members.

I invite you to try a good hallaca when visiting my country.

The Christmas dish is my favorite.

Merry Christmas!

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