When the Dart doesn't hit the Spot aimed at

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It is not a lie that many times we begin the new year with written down wishes and goals for the new year, but then, life takes another turn giving you what you never desired most times, a bitter taste that leaves your mouth bitter till the end of that same year.

Too many times, I have had that encounter and the truth is over the years, I have resolved to live my life around accepting fate, more like not being intentional about my life and just accepting what life throws at me, then I could decide to make lemonade out of it or accept it the way it is.

I wouldn't say that is the best way to live life but at some point, I realized that it helped me worry less about tomorrow and helped me face my today and the moment but that life hindered me from being accountable for my life and that made me revolved in circle year after year, because I never had a set goal, and so just always focused more on what life throws at me which most times aren't tangible or accountable for as they weren't leading me anywhere.

This year, I decided to begin it on a clean slate, I mean if being intentional was a person, then that would be me, although it is said that the beginning doesn't justify the end all I can say is that, I have been intentional and determined about meeting my goals. Although they are simple and easily accomplishable but coming from someone who has always lived her life in the moment, it is taking a lot from her.

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One thing we can not eradicate as humans is failure, disappointment, setbacks, negativity, and the rest we can mention, we all know these things and we know they happen, but one thing most people never set their minds to accept is their failing but these are things are natural phenomenon that will take place. A businessman starts his or her business and forgets that there is what the economy professors call profits and loss, they are bound to happen but the truth is we never expect it and only set our minds to succeeding and when the success doesn't happen, we blame people or things that aren't supposed to be blame.

What if we are already halfway through 2024, and nothing seems to be working as planned? What if your attempts to achieve your goals are yielding uninspiring results?

I have a habit of always getting anxious and getting worked up when things aren't going the way I planned especially on something I had put so much hope and belief in, that is why I never used to set goals and never expect from people because if they don't work out the way I expect, it hurts badly.

So, what I try to do during situations like this is to put everything aside and pretend that I didn't put down a goal, I know it's going to be difficult but it will be the best choice to make for myself, as it will help me out of my worried state and keep me stable, while I look for another way out. It is a way of repressing my mind and making it think about something else, especially something I enjoy doing and this has helped me, to always worry less, because I have a habit of worrying a lot, and most times it becomes unnecessary and ends up affecting my appearance and reactions to people around me.

This is my entry to the January edition of the contest The Thinker's Corner: 750HP Delegation for Wild Thinkers. You can click on the link to participate in the contest.

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