Pride Comes Before A Fall

Wealth can be intoxicating. People believe it's the only factor that brings out one's true identity. One of the things that comes with wealth or having resources is pride, it's natural that one has this feeling when they attain certain positions , but only a few people restrain from its enticing poison. Most mighty men had this common challenge, Nebuchadnezzar at one point felt he was god, because he had everything he needed. Satan also had pride when he felt himself equal with God. Pride is common with accomplishment- having all that we want.

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One thing I will surely restrain from having when I have everything is pride. I have felt a sense of it when I made my first million, and I know how easily pride , though enticing, can bring a man down. One dangerous thing about pride is that it takes away a man's honor among people, and a man gradually loses friends, no one wants to stay around a proud man.

Pride comes before a fall. It's the easiest route to a man's downfall. So whenever a man reaches this level- a point where he has everything he needs to do what he wants and have all that he needs, it's a time to stay more cautious on what we allow our heart harbor, because it's a time when we are vulnerable to pride and the factors that pulls men down from the top. It's very difficult to see a rich humble man, but regardless of the appealing feeling of pride, I'll restrain from it. And unlike king Hezekiah, I'll never show people all of my treasures or the height of my status, I'll love to stay low.

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