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Reality-check! Depression/anxiety or taking advantage?

Photo by Mari Lezhava on Unsplash - free to use!

After the chaos of 2008-2011, the world has entered a period of unprecedented prosperity and I hope you can agree with me on that. The pandemic was a "black swan" that reset minds and souls first. For those of "our age", the most perverse impact of COVID will be or could be the collective post-event depression. Being young, the mathematical odds of dying were/are slim, it's in the statistics. On the other hand, the odds of living with fear in our bones and giving us a mental breakdown no longer depends on youth.

We live in a time when depression strikes regardless of age and the relaxation/superficiality with which people currently treat their jobs (because there are lots of available) will lead to a deepening economic crisis. Companies will be caught with low productivity and profits unable to support all employees -> the waves of redundancies will be large and frequent. Reality-check for a few. Increased depression/anxiety for others.

Photo by Riccardo Annandale on Unsplash - free to use!

The war in Ukraine is the first major conflagration in Europe in 75 years. It seems that the weapons sent by the Americans counterbalance the balance of power, but Putin will not be able to return from his Ukrainian adventure defeated. Unless something stupid happens in Zaporije, home to Europe's largest nuclear power plant, the energy price problems will be enough to contribute to social angst. Basically, we could end up with people who not only have no jobs, but also have to pay not only double rates compared to last year, but also ridiculously high bills.

Inflation and recession plus supply chain adjustment are problems that need to be solved on the go. Politicians have been terrible at doing that. Talking about the possible impact, the fact is they(politicians) are only contributing to a perfect storm, BUT, out of the rain comes sunshine and we humans have an incredible ability to rebound. The important thing is to buy our warm season essentials when they are cheap.

Many people will suffer in the next 12 months or more. This is the truth that unfortunately none of us can change. And then we can only focus on what we can influence: our own approach to such moments in time. There are turning points in the life of everyone who wants to live a better life, to progress. Major crises are always the dramas of some and the opportunities of others. You don't have to feel bad because you wish for yourself and your family to fall on your feet. Being a smart and educated investor, capitalizing on the "blood" flowing in from all directions is one way to do it.

Photo by Miquel Parera on Unsplash - free to use!

In bear markets, crypto goes up in steps and down in elevators. :)) One day you see the whole market at 1.2 trillions only to have almost 200 billion disappear a few days later, but I think there are many reasons to be optimistic for the period ahead(that only if nothing worse and out of the ordinary happens again, something like the war in UA). If we take a step back, we could see serious opportunities lie ahead, it's just a little foggy right now, at least for me it is.
When historians will look at the last 3 years, I think they will conclude that they were EXTREMELY difficult, and I'm talking about everything added together here, not just about crypto. I'm sure that there will come a good period for mankind. That we will suffer a year, maybe two, matters less if we are prepared. In the "darkest times" we should "weave our life trajectory", but as I said in a previous post, I can't wait for September to come and see it gone, only then I can prepare to make some better-calculated moves.

If you managed to read this far, Thank You for putting up with my ramblings and please let me know what's your general opinion, and what you think it's going to happen in the next 2-3 months or more.

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