One More Reason to Despise Facebook

Yesterday morning as I opened Facebook for the first time in a long time I was greeted with this:

It seems some bored FB employee (most likely an AI bot) scanned my posts from way back when and decided my meme (harvested no doubt from FB itself) was somehow an endorsement of Jeffrey Dahmer's cannibalism.

I wasn't too phased by this, because I don't advertise or "go live", whatever that means. But it did bug me enough to appeal it to FB.

Of course this went nowhere:

They then told me that I could appeal it with some mysterious entity known as the "Oversight Board":

I can only imagine some shadowy cabal of old white dudes in billowing scarlet robes reading in monotone every single appeal before striking down a gavel and declaring a sentence. Nonetheless, this vision didn't spook me too much.

After a few clicks I was able to reach the "Oversight Board" website and turn in an appeal titled simply: "This Is Clearly Meant To Be A Joke."

My appeal reads as follows:

"I posted the meme in question because it clearly contains a joke. It was not meant to be an endorsement of Mr. Dahmer's behavior. I'm not sure how it can be interpreted as endorsement of anything other than a humorous approach to macabre topics.

This is an old post, but if my memory serves correctly, it was a meme I found on Facebook. It was passed around extensively at the time and I am almost positive no one was harmed. I'm even more positive that no one saw this meme and decided to become a Jeffery Dahmer copycat. We would have heard about it on the news.

I believe that Facebook should allow this meme to stay because it is something the world needs a bit more of: humor. It may not fit everyone's sense of humor but what's a world without a variety of humor? If we ban everything that someone finds problematic we will have to ban all humor. Thus we will die in a dull, miserable, bland, beige world.

Please allow my appeal to pass, we need a more humorous world. I need a more humorous world. It brings me joy to help the world laugh, and if this is taken down I will be robbed of that joy."

Hopefully this works. If not, oh well. At least I will have stuck something to the giant humorless man that is Facebook.






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