RE: Your first tip for Season 2!

no no no @ibbtammy!!! come on girl - i have faith in you! hahahahaha

the best thing to do is to keep getting as many cards as possible!

keep reading the story posts (they post every sunday and wednesday- and the first one comes tomorrow)

come to PYPT - just in case I have a clue for you there! hehehe i wont ALWAYS have clues - but sometimes i will hehehe

and then find people who are going to be a great teem for you. or... not! you can go it alone too - and hope you find the solution for 350 hbd all to yourself hahaha

but dn't worry... this week - you are just focused on earning that STREEK on DreemPort so you get your 10 bonus cards

cuz you will NEED those Dreemie Magic cards hehe

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