It's always been you

I went to a concert once... got there super early.

The doors were open - so I went inside and got my seat. It was a sort of music festival where there were several artists playing. A few minutes later, Phil Wickham started his rehearsal. I knew of him, but he wasn't nearly as huge as he is now. I sat there and watched him sing and play his guitar. I felt a little bad - this was his rehearsal and here we were, sitting there, gawking at him. haha As a singer, there is nothing more that I value than the rehearsal time before the performance. Everything is set exactly as it will be for the performance. The only thing missing is the audience. It's a pretty unique time, in that you get to sing out into the crowd, as if there is one. You get to focus on your voice mixing with the sound of the band, hearing yourself in the monitor, adjusting the balance. And all of this is done to an empty auditorium, and it's glorious. No nerves, no judgment, no distractions.

And here I was - disrupting that flow.

I felt bad, but I could not take my eyes off him.

Most artists sound great on a recording - but live? Hit and miss.

He was fantastic. Simply phenomenal. He didn't miss a note. He was completely focused on worship. It didn't matter who was there; he was in the zone.

I would see him in concert a few more times, and each time, I'd love him a little bit more.

He wasn't just an amazing musician. He actually wrote the lyrics and music - and that's a true artist, in my book. Some of his songs resonate so deeply with me that they bring me to tears. It's like he's pulling out thoughts and feelings deep within my soul and speaking them to life for me. I can only sit , and listen, and nod, and echo his heartsong. (or is it ours?)

One of his songs came out in 2021, and became an instant anthem for me. It's not just the words, but the heart that's expressed. My relationship with Christ has been my everything - even when I was running farthest and fastest from it. It's been the driving force, the gentle reminder, the crushing embrace, the patient whisper, the tolerant teacher, the firm foundation, the eye of the storm, the unwavering grip, and the absolute essence of unconditional love.

I could quote my favorite parts of the song, but I'd much rather you just listen for yourself. Enjoy ❤️

This post is my entry for the DREEM-WOTW contest. Thanks @samsmith1971 for giving us a great prompt this month!! This was so enjoyable for me to share this song!! I listened to it a bunch of times while writing too!!! hehe

Thanks to @shadowspub, @penderis, @bluefinstudios, @kemmyb, @wesphilbin, @mypathtofire, @melinda010100, @samsmith1971, @silversaver888, @lizelle, @kenechukwu97, @jacoalberts, @acgalarza, @blackdaisyft and @dreemsteem for making the @dreemport voting power go farther! ❤️

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