Embrace the dreem (no... really!)

I alluded to the fact that this post was coming last week, and I wonder if you all have been wondering what I meant by embracing the dreem.

Of course the obvious connotation is that in order to fully be on board with your passion project (or dreem) you need to make it a part of your existence. It's unlikely to happen when you're not fully committed. It takes stamina and endurance for the times when morale is low and energy is even lower. Embracing the ups and downs of a dreem is critical to seeing it through.

One of the most valuable assets in Dreem execution is having a Dreem Teem. These are not just cheerleaders, encouraging you from the sidelines. These are people who are willing to get into the trenches with you, investing their time and energy, blood, sweat and tears with you. These are your people, your family, your dreemers.

I have been blessed to have people catch the fire very early on in my "Hive career". People who have known me for almost the full 7 years I've been here! (Yep! I just celebrated my 7 year Hive birthday) @shadowspub and I met on her PYPT show, and that changed everything! @penderis and I met through Buddy up (a passion project started by @calumam) and @bluefinstudios - who was a staple on PYPT would become interested in joining an onboarding project I proposed way back then. From project to project these three people would sign up and sign on for adventure with me and never give up on me. I can't even count how many hours in the last 7 years these three have dedicated to seeing a "dreemie project" succeed. Since then our teem has grown into some of the most amazing 20+ dreem teemers, and many more dreemers, and together we are all taking steps together to make DreemPort something special.

So, now comes your challenge for this week.

Don't take this lightly. Think this through and weigh out your answer carefully. The success of your dreem is highly influenced by the dedication of your teem.

Who are three people that you would ask (and are going to ask) to be on your teem for your dreem?

What are their duties?

Why are they the dreemer for your teem?

Do they have the time and energy to actually commit to your dreem?

What qualities do they possess that would add to your positives and reverse your negatives?

This post is due in DreemPort by this Thursday. Don't miss the submissions deadline on the site! (there is a countdown timer that will let you know when daily submissions close) And don't forget...these special challenge posts give you 2 points towards the Dreemer of the Year contest!


Part of my long term dreem has always been closing the distance between dreemers. I hate physical separation, and I love connecting with loved ones, face to face. When you have an international project, it can be really difficult to be working alongside one another remotely, year after year. I have always longed to have a dreem meet up where lots of dreemers could connect, laugh, share meals, and most importantly - embrace.

I've been tried to do this before...and Covid and visa restrictions had other ideas for my plans!

But... dreemers never give up, and I'm trying it again!

So, for December 2024, how would you like to embrace THE original Dreem? aka...hug me!☺️

At our last Dreem teem meeting, I announced this surprise, and we now have 7 Dreem Teemers that are planning to meet.

I will be paying for :

ONE additional Dreem Teem member, and

ONE Dreemer

to join us.

We have chosen a country that should be easy as far as visas, and I will be covering the flight, food and accomodations for our two winners!

I hope you're looking forward to embracing the Dreem, because she is really looking forward to embracing you!


Thanks to @shadowspub, @penderis, @bluefinstudios, @kemmyb, @wesphilbin, @mypathtofire, @melinda010100, @samsmith1971, @silversaver888, @lizelle, @kenechukwu97, @jacoalberts, @acgalarza, @blackdaisyft and @dreemsteem for making the @dreemport voting power go farther! ❤️

Image created with Midjourney, then further edited with PhotoPea and Lightshop

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