Dreemiest Possibilities, One Marketplace: DreeMerge leaps from cards to trades!

If you've read the last two posts, you've seen that I've been hinting at something launching later this month on DreemPort - our Marketplace!

For our first season of DreeMerge cards, we've had a ton of fun (and we hope you have too!) watching you all collect, merge, and reveal the fully-charged cards!

Yesterday we showcased that TOP level card - the Ultimate Quill card that has ALLLLLLL those privileges tucked inside... and the ULTIMATE privilege of ENTRY into the Special Hunt to MEET THE DREEM TEEM ON A BEECH ... somewhere dreemy! hehehe (Dreem is taking care of your flight and your accommodations - you just need to win the trip, grab your passport, get your visa on arrival and join in the fun!!)

But many of you are BRAND NEW dreemers and you are feeling like you're way too far away from that Ultimate Quill card to hop into that Special Hunt for the "Embrace the Dreem" trip!

Maybe we have an answer for you! Now you can turn your DreeMerge cards that are held on your DreemPort account into NFTs on our Marketplace. NFTS allow you to buy/sell/trade your DreeMerge cards with other dreemers!

Have a card - and don't need it? Put it on the marketplace to sell!

Have extra cards and want to share? Try to offer a trade!

See a card you REALLY need to complete a merge? Buy it before someone else does!

We're hoping this marketplace brings more fun to dreemers all around! And also REWARDS our dreemers for working hard - while offering OTHER options to those who can't dedicate as much time to DreemPorting, but still want IN on the fun! Win/Win/Win/Win!

Here are a few questions that I'm SURE you're thinking about!

  • Can we mint ALL of our cards into NFTs?

No. We really want to protect the marketplace from having a bunch of low level, low-value cards. We don't like a lot of clutter, and we'd prefer to leave the marketplace for those HIGHER value cards, like Level 4, Level 5, and Ultimate Quill cards. We MIGHT even have Level 3's offered too (since they're not SO easy to merge) and we might offer even more in the future

  • How much will it cost to merge?

Good question - MERGING is still free on our site. MINTING the card into an NFT will be 1 HBD per card. So, it is the least expensive option to merge up to the highest level, and then MINT those high value cards. Of course, if you really want a bunch of Level 3 cards - you can! It will be 1 HBD minting fee for each card.

  • Can I trade my cards on DreemPort without minting into an NFT?

Nope. Those cards are only visible on DreemPort and are held by us on the site. The only way to be able to trade them is to mint into an NFT.

  • You mentioned the perks that are locked in the cards on yesterday's post! Those are awesome! Can I use them without minting?

Nope! hehe As long as they are on the site, they only have the unlocked potential. When you MINT them into NFTs - THEN you can use the perks associated with each card!

  • I know that the perks are redeemable once in 6 months - but what if I use the perks, and then sell my NFT to another person? Can they use the perks too?

YEP! But, the perks are associated with that NFT and are on a timer ON THAT NFT. When you sell the NFT, the timer will still indicate that the perk will only reset after the 6 months time has passed since the perk was used by the original owner. After that - it will reset and the new owner can use the NFT - or - buy/sell/trade it on the Marketplace!

  • You keep saying trade... what kind of trades can be done with the NFT?

Let's say you have a Level 4 card to trade, and someone else wants it but only has a Level 3 card to offer in return. They can sweeten the deal by adding in another card (or more), or offering some DREEM to make the trade more attractive!

  • What will be the cost of the NFTs on the market?

It's an open market. One day you might see a high price for a card- the next day a low price! Keep your eyes open for the cards you want and the price you like!

  • Will DreemPort staff be able to buy and sell any cards off the market?

Yes, but staff cards are different than public cards. So all dreemers will be made aware of those differences. They look different and do not have the same perks. We do this to keep it fair for our dreemers by separating staff and public. HOWEVER, staff WILL be able to buy public cards and then put THOSE back on the market - but this is only after they have bought it FROM a dreemer, making it fair for all!

  • When this season ends in February, how soon will the next season of DreeMerge cards come out?

This was our FIRST step in DreeMerge cards. We wanted to test the theory of it, and put it into practice before developing it more. But we already have the second season being created that should be ready for early March - and its going to be very fun! hehehe We actually had a meeting on it today, and we were giggling at the thoughts of how to give it twists and turns, risks and rewards - to make it more exciting! There will be clues and people will be encouraged to share their own hints and gameplay along the way! (or... they can hide their progress and guard their own games! hehe) Either way - it should be a lot of fun and make DreemPort even better!

  • When will the Marketplace be ready?

Oh - that's the big question isn't it! Always! We really tried to HOLD OFF on sharing the Marketplace until it was ALMOST complete so there wasn't too much hype that fizzled out. It's our HOPE that you will be able to use it this month!! fingers crossed🤞

ok - take a look at it below and tell me what you think??? This is a little MOCKUP version of what the Marketplace might look like! Did @mcyusuf design a great looking market??? Let him know in the comments! hehehe Super proud of all the hard work that @mcyusuf and @penderis are doing to make DreemPort shine even more! Thank you both!!!

So GET READY DREEMERS... you might have thought that Ultimate Quill card was WAY out of your reach - but hopefully the Marketplace makes it THAT MUCH CLOSER!


Thanks to @shadowspub, @penderis, @bluefinstudios, @kemmyb, @wesphilbin, @mypathtofire, @melinda010100, @samsmith1971, @silversaver888, @lizelle, @kenechukwu97, @jacoalberts, @acgalarza, @blackdaisyft and @dreemsteem for making the @dreemport voting power go farther! ❤️

Image created by @mcyusuf. If you use this image, please be sure to give credit to him!

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