Church Tradition and Pigeons

As humans we tend to be creatures of habit, and I am definitely no exception to the rule. I've found that there are two traditions that tend too come naturally whenever I visit Puerto Rico.

For me one of the first things I do is to seek out a cup of fresh passion fruit juice. To me a nice cold cup of freshly squeezed passion fruit juices solidifies in my mind that I am truly on the island.

The second tradition that comes natural to being on the island is going to church at least once. There's a strong sense of pride that can be felt from the residents of Aguada towards their cathedral.

The gratitude is infectious, and almost nurturing to the soul. As I attended the service I could feel the genuine worship entering my spirit with a sense of nourishment and rejuvenation.

It's been a while a long time since I've visited this church. I even notice that it had been updated, and was still in the process. The main improvement that I immediately notice was that the church was now air conditioned. I had come prepared to endure the heat, but what a difference it made.

I had a good time. My father and I sat in the plaza eating a quick snack before heading into the mass. He got himself a corn dog, and I enjoyed a beef pocket.

While sitting there, the local pigeons decided to introduce themselves.

Yet among any group there's always one stands out. This particular pigeon had no fear. We named him Brownie, and he was coolest pigeon i ever met. Sat next to us on the bench, and ate right from our hands.

(The first seven pictures were taken with my one plus 7 pro. The last one is a screenshot from a video taken with the same one plus 7 pro)

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