Kindergarten or Kindergarten Graduation events

The following is an example of a kindergarten or early childhood graduation ceremony arrangement for the latest and solemn school farewell event.

The Kindergarten (TK) graduation ceremony is the core event of the school farewell event which is always held at the end of each academic year.

The purpose of holding this Kindergarten graduation ceremony is a process to release students and students to continue their education to a higher level.

In order for the kindergarten graduation ceremony to run smoothly and solemnly, an agenda is needed. This is the latest Kindergarten graduation program that can be used as a reference for schools that will organize graduation, farewell and student performances.

Kindergarten Graduation Schedule

  1. Opening - Reader holy verses of the Koran
  2. The Overview Foundation
  3. Greetings - Headmaster - Chairman of the Committee - Himpaudi District - District UPTD Education and Culture 4. Kindergarten/PAUD Student Graduation
  4. Student Art Creations and Performances
  5. Distribution of Prizes for Outstanding Students
  6. Prayer and Closing Kindergarten or Kindergarten Graduation events
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