RE: Set it free

Hey @ecency, I also see what I don't suppose to see when I visit particular tags in For example when I was using, I was always finding only posts that posted in #dcc tag. In ecency I find posts that are here : /created/dcc but not have the tag on them. The same about #russia I checked or #ru. Was surprised to see non-related posts to the tag. And by the way I'm just giving feedback to improve the user experience on the platform. And maybe the reason I'm not accepted to boost my posts, is that I gave feedback. But any feedback I give is to help the platform. To support hive, as I'm here for more than 5 years with this community. If my feedback is considered abuse, so I'm sorry about that. I think feedback is useful to all of us. And you can always tell me if I'm doing something wrong, so I will not give feedback anymore. Sorry about that, if that was the reason.

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