ed posting topic 37: your HIVE FEST home VIEWING

HIVE FEST 2022 in Amsterdam SEPTEMBER 15 - 18 is getting closer and closer, the presenters are getting more and more nervous and all over Chain we read reports about people preparing their trip. Some have even arrived already as you can see here in the #hivefest tag.

I read that @livinguktaiwan is finishing her presentation ,
that the @hiq team (HiQ is our smart stylish & sexy HIVE magazine) is ready for burnout to get their print version ready for the fest and
that @brittandjosie , our ECENY HIVE FEST TICKET winner, is working on her perfect ecency outfit :-)

But what about us who are staying at home?
Those who can't be there for various reasons - distance, money, time? How will we spend these days? These were the thoughts wich brought me our weekly ecency discord posting topic:



  • Are you going to watch it online?

  • Broadcasting like a real show on TV or just being there on the side with your smartphone?

  • Are you planning to meet and view it together with other Hivians?

  • Which contributions are you interested in and why?

  • As #edtopic is open until next Monday morning, maybe you also can make photos from the moments you watch or tell about a very interesting presentation you loved?

Here you find the schedule of presentations and other activities that are planned: https://app.hivefe.st/dl/d0a5f4

You know, the points I mention here always are only suggestions and everything you can think of the weekly topic is possible, be creative, bring your own thoughts and ideas to life.


  • Ecency Discord Weekly Posting Topic is open for everyone on chain! No need to be an ecency discord member, no need to use ecency to post, no need to post into Ecency Community.

  • Use TWO TAGS: #edtopic AND #ecencydiscord and if it feels okay for you you can also add #hivefest

  • Write at least 200 words, take your time to make a good content post out of the topic

  • No need to mention that it should be your own content, right?

Why use those tags? Because you are free to post in any community you want and so we can find your postings with the tags, second, because we'd love our Discord members to interact more with each other on chain as well, and this is a possibility to find each other and leaving a nice comment.
#edtopic is reserved for the weekly posting topics only, but #ecencydiscord can be used, whenever you want.


In week 36 our #edtopic "SECURITY ON CHAIN AND ONLINE" was very surprising, seeing even wrong informations in some of the posts made me wonder. So this time the summary of last week will become an extra posting, there is too much to say about this important topic and it will take me a lot more time to sort things out.

Each 50 points for their post at #edtopic week 36 go to @funshee @henrietta27 @ijohnsen @aliakbar2 @mypathtofire @buezor @asgharali and @kenechukwu97

Thank you to @ecency and @melinda010100 for sponsoring the ECECY POINTS for the #ectopic concept :-)


HIVE FEST will dominate HIVE life this week for all of us, so it is our perfect weekly topic and I am curious if and what you plan for those special days.

Make a great post, read the rules above ( !!! ) and if you have questions, please just ask in the comments or join us on ecency discord.

This posting topic is open to everyone, not only for ecency discord members or people using ecency, no, for everyone on hive!

Have fun posting and use your chance to be seen and grow your account in a quiet chain time :-) Yours, B.

Please just be aware, if you join in it could be, that your post with one of your photos will be shown in the next Ecency Discord Weekly Posting Topic post!

Contest Picture Unsplash and screenshot by me from hivefest 2021, edited by me with corel draw

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