5 Minutes Freewrite: Friday Prompt - Hashtag


Search for all messages with #hurricane Fiona, #flood and get to know more about it. That in essence is the importance of hashtags... a direction for all messages in relation to a particular subject especially used in the social media particularly #Twitter #instagram and now #facebook.

#Hurricane Fiona has been descried as a tropical cyclone 🌀 which has caused major damages to the #Puerto Rico, #Hispaniola and the #Atlantic Canada.

There have been reports of devastation and unwanted sites caused by this deadly cyclone.

A Hiver has just shared the extent of devastation it has caused. you can read same up here:

My country however is free from these natural disasters such as hurricane 🌀

Our thoughts are with those in all the affected areas. We pray that it's effects should not been to much as not to be unbearable.

Some parts of t #Asia such as #Afghanistan and #Pakistan too have been exposed to some ugly natural disasters recently as most of its cities were #flooded which resulted in loss of lives and properties. Our hearts are also with them.

I have just used this freewrite to illustrate the use of #...#hashtags. Thanks for reading my blog.

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