Ecency's Dynamic Features (Boosting/Swapping)

I am here today to be the part of the #Ecency challenge which is about the most utilized Ecency feature. Which means that we have to share about which feature we use the most and also to discuss about Ecency Proposal.

First of all I am thankful to the #Ecency front-end which allows me to stay engage in the hive ecosystem and helped me out to grow my account. #Ecency is the first use front-end of me which gives me a good start and that is the main reason I like ecency the most.

There are many features in Ecency front-end which facilitates users in different way. Starting from creating post to Decks, waves, Swapping, boosting, promoting and many more. I really enjoy each and every feature of #Ecency which always helped my in different times.

I use every feature of #ecency but the most utilized Ecency feature are #Swapping and #Boosting. These are the two best features which have make this platform the most interesting one among all.

There is no such front-end which allow users to use boosting option and also to swap coins. But Ecency is the only one which allows you to request boost for your post.

Let me describe little about how ecency boost works and what you need to do. Ecency boost is the feature where you can boost your post depending upon the number of words and number of pictures you have shared.

Its to be clear that post with less effort and less pictures must be boost with 150 points but if you have good, long and quality post then you can try for higher points to boost. Once you boost your post then #ecency curators will find your post and if they find your post eligible and genuine then they will approve your boost.

This boosting will allow to get upvote from #ecency ranging from $1-$3.33 . This is my most utilized ecency feature from the time I started using Ecency front-end.

The another most used feature is swapping. This is not too old feature. This feature makes my work easy when I want to convert #HIVE to #HBD or #HBD to #HIVE. The purpose of this feature is to provide you instant conversion with fee charges.

This is great to hear that there is no fee charges using this feature. You can access this feature going to your wallet. After getting into it click on the hive or hbd arrow which shows you option trade token. Click on trade token where you will see swap option.

By using swap option you can convert your holding instantly. This is more working when you are in urgent or you see the price of coin pumping or dumping. For that to be safe and secure you can convert to either of the coin instantly.

These are the two most used ecency features of me and I am glad to see such regular updates coming from the #Ecency team.

In this year and the past year these are some Ecency proposals which are outstanding.

1. Notifications
2. Wallet
3. Signup
4. RC delegations
5. Decks
6. Waves
7. 3 speak video

To be honest all of these proposals are just amazing and useful. I also appreciate to the #Ecency team by making hard work to facilitates their users.

Special thanks to @xuwi and @melinda010100

I hope you find this post useful and informative. If you do, please remember to reblog it so that it reaches as many people as possible and that they can benefit the most from it. Also, remember to upvote, which will help me financially and grow my account.


Thank You!
Best Wishes.

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