My most enjoyed features with ecency.

Ecency mobile app happens to be my best means of making post. I use ecency twice everyday. I can't imagine myself making post with out using ecency.
Well for others they may prefer other means of making post, but I have become too used to ecency that I can't even thinking of using another means to make post.

For me ecency happens to be the simplest. It doesn't give me problem while using it. I don't really know if someone else if feeling the same way like myself.

1- Is easier for me to locate another person's blog with just typing the name of name of that person.

This is a screenshot from my blog.

2- I can easily get ecency free points which comes after each day.

  1. One can also buy ecency points if he so wishe

4- I use ecency on daily basis to boast my post. With this even if I don't get enough votes for any of my post, I can decide to boast it myself.

I have used up all ky ecency, so it is showing that I don't have enough points to boast my post. One must have up to 150 ecency so as to boast a post.

5- I use ecency to claim my rewards and also get my tokens.

6- I can also convert HBD to have through ecency . I can also swap tokens through ecency

7- one can also delegate your hive power through ecency to any one or community.

8- Rewards are always sure with ecency daily.

9- draft is easily saved with ecency.

10- finally, I have a beautiful place to make my post daily.

In summary
I can't over emphasize what we do here. Like I said, is the best place to blog. If I don't use in a day, I know that I will be missing alot.

The ecency images are all ecency assets.
A special thanks to @melinda010100

Please 🙏 do check the ecency proposal Link 👇

All the screen shot is done by me with my phone.

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