LOH 161-My all-time Christmas dish

Hi everyone!!
It's yet another week of contests with ladies of hive and this weeks questions were written by @elizabethbit thank you for these amazing choice of questions.

People feel Christmas in different ways, Christmas normally comes with excitement and anticipation, here I am having the cozy and comforting feeling of Christmas, l hear the christmas bells jingling, the cold weather is here and the Christmas breeze blowing already.

It is known as a season of love and togetherness, where friends and family come together in symmetry and unity, It is a season of giving while others come with the heart of receiving only😏, and the most important part is sharing meals, different delicacies are made, growing up in an average nigerian home, we were used to eating boiled rice and chicken stew at Christmas, while some homes prepare different kind of meals even traditional dishes.

I love having a traditional dish at Christmas and my favorite traditional dish is onunu and fresh fish pepper soup, I love this delicacy, my aunt prepares it every Christmas so I'm expecting to have it this Christmas as well.

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Onunu is a traditional dish mostly prepared by the southern Nigerians.

Ripe plantain
Palm oil
Salt to taste

Peel your yam and cut it into small cubes wash it with fresh and clean water then put it in your cooking pot and bring to boil, also peel and cut the plantain into small pieces and add to the yam after cooking for ten minutes, then add salt when yam and plantain are almost cooked.

Cook both till they get soft, then bring it out from your cooking pot and start pounding, It is normally pounded with mortar and a pestle but for modernization's sake, you can use your blender as well instead of pounding, add palm while blending, and ensure that your yam, plantain, and palm oil are well mixed, then mould it into your plate.

Ingredients( fresh fish pepper soup)
Fresh fish
Fresh pepper
Scent leafs
Seasoning cubes
Salt to taste.

Wash your fresh fish very well with water, and put it in your cooking pot add your blended fresh pepper, your seasoning cubes, your chopped onions, and lastly, your salt to taste, add a little water and allow to steam for ten minutes. Then add your scent leafs and a little water to cook for another ten minutes there you go your pepper soup is ready, serve inside a bowl and you're ready to eat.
Hope you try it at home though.

Cheers for reading🌹

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