The greatest Joy and Greatest Sorrow in 2022

The year 2022 is about to end and I am very thankful I lived through it. Living is a gift and I treasure it every day, and I am very thankful to the almighty one who sustained and guided me through the journey in life.

This is my entry to the 114th EDITION of the LADIES OF HIVE COMMUNITY CONTEST

What was your greatest joy of 2022...?
And / Or
What was your greatest sorrow of 2022...?

This year, my greatest Joy is that I am with my family though we were never apart even just for a few days but I am very happy I have them around me.

My husband and I became even closer and we have grown in our relationship and we can discuss things that we were uncomfortable with before.

Also, our kids are healthy and growing and I, and my mother have a good relationship these days, including with my in-laws.

I treasure my family the most so they have been the source of my joy these days.

But family is not perfect. Our flaws either make us stronger as a family or it will make us crumble.

It's sad to say that this year, I am saddened by my family also and it gave me anxiety these days.
Earlier this year, my mother and my sister's husband had an argument and they stopped calling my mother. I knew my mother was hurt but she just can't say it. No mother can bear being rejected by their child, you know.

And also, my mother told me my third sister said something very hurtful to her face. she said "litse man diay ka" which was a curse and my mother got hurt.

I never knew what they are having an argument with but no reason is enough to curse your mother, right?

I just hope her kids will not do the same to her when she gets older.

I have disagreements with my mother and in-laws too but most of the time, I just keep silent and forget it. I may be hurt once but the relationship is still intact and that is what is important.

For now, all I can do is pray for miracles to work on our family to mend the broken relationships and grow as a family once again. also, I hope everyone will learn to set side feelings, emotions and mostly, pride.

Does your family bring you oy and sorrow too? If not then you are super blessed!

Happy new year everyone!

Photos are random pictures of me and my family

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