nice to meet you :)

hi, I am Lila, I am new here in the hive, still exploring and trying to find my way here and to figure it out. I must say that so far everyone was super nice, and that was very special. I am happy to get any advice from you about hive. especlly about this all community thing, where should I publish? to stick with one place or to post all over? or should i just post on my blog? Does it even matter?

A little bit about me, I am a mum, I have one boy that he is 2.5 years now, I am married. Two years ago we moved from Israel to Portugal, we where able to buy a piece of land here, so we come to live our dream of life closer to nature. the vision is to be off-grid and self-sufficient as much as possible. for now, we have a Tipi on the land, and i am starting a small garden. To grow food is such a big dream of main. But with the little child and the need for work in order to earn money it is all taking a long time and the land project is going slow. so much patience is needed.

For my work, I am a Yoga and movement teacher and I love it so much, I am still amazed that I can do that and earn money. most of the content I share on hive is related to Yoga and movement.
I am also starting to sell cloth pads for menstruation, I am sawing them myself and it is my original design , based on many years of using them and trial and error. I really want this year to be able to earn money for my family that we can continue our alternative life here in the countryside of central Portugal.

well... I have much more that I want to share with you. but it is late and I love my sleep, so I need to end for today. I am happy to be here, thank you for creating this space where women can share their story, empowering other women and spread the spirit of sisterhood and LOVE. thank you.
this is me in the pic :)

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