Ladies Of Hive Community Contest #62

Hello ladies of hive, it's yet another beautiful season and I'm wishing you the best of the season.
For the contest

What is your favorite holiday food, and why?

My favorite holiday food would be pounded yam and white soup natively known as usung udia ye afia' efere.
It is a native food of pounded boiled yam along side it's special soup.


I tag it my favorite for the holiday because it takes some time to fix it and it requires special attention while pounding the yam. I'd like to share the recipe today;
1.) Peel some yam, cut into small pieces and allow to boil very tenderly.
2.) Take the yam in bits into a mortar and pound until smooth and fluffy.
Now this is the part where could be quite tedious and time consuming as well, you definitely need to do this during a holiday so you could have enough time to eat and rest after the whole pounding procedure.
3.) Remove and store in a cooler or hot plate to keep warm.

For the white soup
1.) You can use the water from boiling the yam, top-up a little if need be.
2.) Add your spices (crayfish, maggie cubes, pepper, salt) and your already steamed meat
3.) Cut into the soup, pieces of the pounded yam this will thicken the soup.
Your soup is ready, it's optional to add hot leaf.

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