When it comes to food I am weird (LOH#87)

Delicious food is one of the pleasure of people here on earth. When I said delicious it's all about every person preference because not all people has the same taste buds and choice of food.

Some loves meat , some love veggies and some likes sweet and that's understandable.

As of me I am not into meat but I am into vegetables. I am not into sweet but I eat some when I am craving for it. When it comes to flavor I love to mix different combinations of taste that's why I always preffered to eat sweet and sour because I love how the taste combined and compliment with each other but like what I said we all have different preference when it comes too food.

In terms of food I am also weird. Sometimes people will tell me I didn't tried this one. Is that possible to make it that way because I did. I do love experimenting in the kitchen cooking some ingredients that is available in the house.

For today's blog I will share to you some of my weird food combinations.


Apple with Bagoong or shrimp paste.

I just tried it by chance actually, we have some bagoong on the kitchen but we don't have mango and we the only fruit we have is an apple. I tried to dip the apples with Bagoong and I love it. I love the combination of the sweetness of the apple with the kick of bagoong.

Cheese stick with vinegar.

I am not the one who loves to dip the cheese stick in vinegar sauce because back then when I am working my officemate asked me to try it because I said her dipping the cheese stick in the vinegar sauce. At first ofcourse I said it's weird but when I tried it oh em , it's really good.

I put cheese on everything when I am craving for it.

When I cook fried rice , omelette, noodles or even saucy viands I put cheese to it. Every time I cook Jin Ramen I always put some cheese. When Im craving for some cheese and we don't have cheesy food I just put some cheese on my rice an I'm satisfied.

Dipping fries on ice cream.

For us Filipinos I think this is not a weird food combinations as many of us doing it on fastfood chains.


This is a few weird food combinations of mine. My weird recipes is not included on the list tho.

How about you? What's your weird taste combination?

This is my entry on Ladies of Hive Community Contest #87.

I want to invite @garrethgrey to join the contest ☺️ You can check this link here.

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