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Water Way

Hello everyone one, this is my entry into the ladies of hive contest. This is a link to the contest, feel free to join and share your amazing ideas. @ladiesofhive/ladies-of-hive-community-contest-53

Would you rather go without water or electricity for a week?

Now this is a very funny question. Times have changed and we have all evolved. I'd like to compare the past with the present. We all know that the books say that there was nothing like electricity. There were improvisations like catching that fly that produces light in a transparent bottle and shaking them to produce light.


As at then, one would agree that there were few or no electronic devices around and so there was no need for electricity. With new things come new problems and innovations. The devices came and electricity came. So we basically invented electricity.

On the other hand, we were born to see water. We were born to know that water is a necessity and without it, one would die. Water they say is life. Our body needs water for our daily metabolism and I can't even imagine staying without water for a day.

The dryness creeps in and you feel the sensation of thirst. People die in the desert! Because, there's no visible water and the sun is really hot.

To answer the question, I'd choose electricity. I know that electricity has become a big part of the world right now but it won't be so harmful to stay without it for a day, after all, the basic things we need for survival do not require electricity. Water, air, food and not electricity. So I'd rather go for a week without electricity than water.


Men need approximately 16cuos of water a day and women need approximately 12cups of water a day to make up the 60% average level of our water needs. Many people don't reach the standard requirements but yes we still need it. A friend once told me that there's no way a person would be I'll if the person maintains the right level of water and i try experimenting that. I must say it's true to an extent. I started paying more attention to my water consumption and I noticed significant changes in my body, so water all the way.

I'd like to invite @funshee and @teknon to participate in the contest.

Thanks for reading..

With love, wongi 😊