Tampons Can Kill You


I read a story recently about how a lady almost died from using tampons. It was really scary to me because although I had never used tampons, I already imagined such complications.

I figure some people don't know what tampons are, simply put, they're like menstrual pads but inserted in the vagina. It absorbs all the flow and you don't ever have to worry about getting stained as long as you've mastered using it. I've read about how it's so much better and comfortable than regular pads.

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I asked my friends what they thought about tampons.

I use tampons and I absolutely love them. I’ve read about the shock syndrome and I try as much as possible to be safe. And hopefully I won’t be affected. But pads irritate my skin and I am usually uncomfortable with them. I haven’t used a pad in 3 years plus.

Tampons are really nice. There’s nothing without side effects these days.

True, that insertion thing isn't comfortable but tampons are soft.

Wow, I will put something inside my bum o shuooo and it's not dick no na

Okay, the last one had me laughing. She didn't know about tampons and is shocked you insert something other than a man's genitalia in there.

The first answer was really positive and she is very much aware about the shock syndrome. Still, she'd choose tampons over pads any day. I can totally relate to feeling irritations with Nigerian made pads. They're so terrible and you'd be lucky to find a brand that doesn't irritate you.

Tampon shock syndrome (TSS) happens when the fibre develops into bacteria causing an infection that travels to the blood and other parts of the system. It could be so bad that it lands you straight to the ICU. This new piece of information has completed worsened my fear of tampons. First it was the insertion fear because I assume it would be uncomfortable for me, now, it's possible death.

Well, like my friend said, there's nothing without side effects these days. I just might boss up and give it a try soon.

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