LOH 81 - Simpler times or Modern day tech


Hello dear Hivers.
I took a mini break from posting due to some personal issues, it’s not resolved fully but I’m back. for now.

A special shoutout to @joydukeson for inviting me to this week’s ladies of hive contest.

Topic 1 reads;

Do you ever wish for simpler times, or do you prefer the modern 'techy' world of today? Which would you choose to live by, and why?


Meditating on this question, I honestly find it a bit tricky.
Modern technology is great, it comes with a lot of opportunities and it cuts down a great deal of stress for us but at the same time it gets depressing and demanding which is when I wish for simpler times.

Well, we all know not everything is perfect.
Just as the world of tech today has both advantages and disadvantages, so do simpler times.

Back then with little or no technology, almost everything was handmade and not as easygoing as they are now.
Think about how our forefathers would wait for the roaster or monitor their shadows just to tell the time.
Or how they would travel on foot or with a service animal for days, weeks or even months to another city or country.
Or how out of boredom they would come up with the most inhumane type of punishment to offenders (Its true, look it up).
Or the ineffectiveness in passing information from one person to another.
All these and many others are the disadvantages of simpler times.
When you think about it, it wasn’t so simple was it?

Aside from some intense technology that causes harm to the Earth, I prefer modern day tech.
Where do I even start from? There are so many advantages of tech today.
It creates multiple source of income e.g Hive,
It provides maximum ease in traveling, it helps in daily home activities like washing, cooking and cleaning, it saves time, communication is easier and swift, there is improvement in productivity as a result of multiple opportunities and so on.

Using a practical scenario, few years ago while in secondary school.
I did not own a phone back then though I never knew the importance because I had never owned one but now that I do I realized what I missed.
There was a day after school closed and I got home, I forgot to copy the assignment questions from my classmate because I wasn’t in class when it was given.
There was no way to contact any of them and my best option was to go to the closest classmate house to copy the questions or risk going to school the next day and receive beating.
Lo and behold, I walked up to four kilometers with my tiny legs to my nearest classmate’s house.
This could have been avoided if I had modern day tech was at my disposal.

Now in uni thanks to technology, there might be no need to even go to class physically because I can read the course(s) online and have assignments passed easily and swiftly.

In conclusion, I think technology might just be more simple than simpler times ;)

Inviting @asherrobert and @youwilllikethis to join me participate.

Thanks for reading 💗
Have a great weekend!

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