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#175 LOH Family first before me

Being a woman, I was touched by lots of sacrificed stories that they have done for their family. And it was also my take to share mine.


I got married early at 19 years of age, who just graduated from school. Honestly, there was regrets when I look back. But, through the years I've learned to be grateful and realized that things happened for a reason. When I had my first born, there was an opportunity for me, to work in our municipality, which I think a once in a lifetime.Because of connection, who approached me personally. At the back of my mind I was willing to accept the job, because it's my chance to build myself. But, as we talked about it, my husband didn't fully agree with my decision because I'm already had a a baby. As a man, he has an ego, that he should be the one to work hard for us.

Being a full time mom, was a great sacrificed for me until now. There was a time that I'm thinking of going to the city to find a job, especially when we are in financial trouble. The kids are already grown so fast, but I still can't leave them here in the house. I'm trying to forget myself and denied my feelings. That is why, I'm looking for something to do, which is to earn, even if I'm at home.I keep praying for it, until today. We live in a place where is far from the neighborhood, that is why I can't think of any business to do.

There was a friend of mine who told me, that life is too short,so it's better to spend time with family, as much as possible, and he is right.

Woman is a conqueror, even if I'm at home, I do have and even more struggles faced day by day. Emotional, financial and lot more to mention. But we can do it, God has made us unique, with different abilities. Sometimes I feel my husband was kind of thinking what if I work to helped him. But, I can't do it now. I struggled for it day by day, for having a source of income, seems like a giant who chase me everyday. What comforts me when I see my kids doing great, and they are happy, while I'll do my chores at home.

For me, being a full time mom was a calling, it's not just a simple kind of role, but it's a noble job that we should not underestimate.No compensation, overtime pay, but our duty is 24/7. We do a lot, but we did it with love. Salute to all mother's out there.
Thank you so much @ladiesofhive for the opportunity to share my thoughts, it helps me a lot.