Not Having Mom Around

Not Having Mom Around


For various reasons, I was not able to grow up with my biological mother. Given that every child needs and deserves its mother's love and instruction, this was an extremely tough scenario. The unique link between a mother and her child cannot be replaced, no matter how kind others may be.

But I was really lucky that there was someone else who took on the role of raising me. This individual trained me and gave me many of the things a mother would. She did it with patience and care. Although she would never be able to fully replace my own mother, her presence and advice had a profoundly good effect on my life.

From an early age, this woman showered me with affection, nurturing, and wise teachings. She may not have carried or given birth to me, but she embraced me as one of her own children. Her patience, kindness, and strong principles helped shape the person I became.

Whenever I struggled or got into trouble as all kids do, she was there with gentle corrections and valuable life lessons. She taught me right from wrong. She instilled important values like respect, honesty, and hard work. Most importantly, she made me feel safe, cared for, and loved deeply.

This caring woman always encouraged me to follow my dreams and explore my interests and talents. She celebrated my wins and accomplishments with pride and joy. And when I failed or made mistakes, she was my biggest supporter to pick myself back up and try again.

There were so many little things she did that made her a nurturing figure in my life. She cooked my favorite meals from scratch. She helped me with homework every night, ensuring I understood before moving ahead. She attended all my events and cheered the loudest. No matter how busy or tired, she prioritized being present and involved.

As I grew older, she was someone I could talk to about any problem or personal matter. I knew I could always depend on her wise advice and compassionate listening ear. She provided the kind of nurturing guidance that helped steer me down the right path.

While nothing can replace having my biological mother in my life, I feel so blessed that this woman embraced the role of a parent figure. She went above and beyond to make sure I received the caring upbringing every child deserves. Her sacrifices, love, and investment in me helped shape my values and identity.

I understand how fortunate I am in comparison to those who experienced no maternal figure at all as children. Despite not being my biological mother, this woman will always have a special place in my heart for her amazing act of sacrifice. She filled a deep void with her love, wisdom, and nurturing presence.

I will always be indebted to mom for everything she did to raise me and provide me the essential maternal love, care, and advice. I try to return her compassion now by helping and mentoring others in need. There should never be a youngster who lacks a nurturing, caring adult in their life. I didn't have to because of this exceptional woman.

Thank you so much for reading my post.

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