Dealing with fever and also preparing vegetables sauce and white yam


If you followed me on this journey so far, you will know it's been an interesting one. Having to deal with a lot of stress and discomfort and still trying to stay strong and active, but as I have always said,at the end it will be worth it.

I woke up feeling so weak and feverish, I managed to say my morning prayers and stayed back on bed for some time. I have not felt this way in a long time, so I felt it will pass, but after one our house has passed I was getting worse, hubby was already out to work,I managed to get to take paracetamol to help relieve the fever and cold, and I went back to bed. I had already lost appetite for food, which was not good for me because of my condition.

I slept off fully covered, and woke up in 2hrs time with heat all over my body, I felt relived and a little bit hungry. I got up went to the kitchen to prepare food, at this point I felt the need to have someone stay with me,to help me around the house. I already have things needed for the food,I just went to work.

Food Preparation


Fresh pepper
Palm oil
Seasoning cubes

What I prepared was white yam and vegetable sauce. Cos that was what I felt like eating.

I peeled the yam added a little salt to it and set it on fire to boil,till it was ready


Then I proceeded to preparing the vegetable sauce. I first of all chopped my fresh tomatoes, onion and vegetable, then grinded the fresh pepper and crayfish together.


I set it on fire till they are all properly combined and ready for consumption. It came out really well.


I served some into a plate to eat and regain strength because I was already feeling really weak, still struggling with my appetite.


Yam and vegetable served in a plate

I ate to my satisfaction and was full. I decide to rest for a while before the worst happened. I started feeling like throwing up, I endured it for a while but could not after some time,i ran to the toilet and vomited everything I ate, both the weakness and the fever returned. I poured cold water all over my body to get myself,had my bath and took another dose of paracetamol and later down. I called my husband to call the doctor and inform him of my state,which he did and the doctor recommended a drip for me to take,that it's malaria.


Malaria drugs

I've been on the medication and hope to be better soon. I was able to take tea later at night and went to bed with that.
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