Memorable days in my life LOH 168

Hello beautiful and pretty ladies of Hive, I believe we are all having a lovely working week. We were asked about a memorable day in our life but I have more than one memorable days and I will be writing on just two.

I am a mother of two wonderful boys, they give me joy. My first son will be 4 years this year while my second son is just 4 months old.
During the birth of my first son, as a first time mom that I was and did not know what contraction was and how it felt. I had to call the nurses at 12 mid night and they said I should not worry myself that it is normal that I should come to the health center when it is day break.
My contractions started at 12am and my son decided he wants to come by after 1pm. At a certain point during the contraction I could not bear the pain and I told them to induce me. At exactly after 1pm my baby came in to this world, I was so happy and could not stop smiling.

My second son being a baby is growing really fast, sometimes I will look at him and ask him why he is growing so fast(with a smile on my face) . His birth was not easy, I nearly lost him, but I thank God for everything, we are both in good health.

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