Loh193: fixing my cracked wall

Every once in a while our homes needs to fixed in one place or the other. Sometimes we talk to our landlord or landlady about it and it takes them ages to fix it and sometimes calling someone to do it might cost us too much. Sometimes to save cost and also stop waiting on landlord or landlady we try to fix things ourselves.

There's this apartment I moved into last year, when I went to check the house, there was nothing wrong with it. But when we entered the rainy season and it started raining especially if the rain is heavy, the room started to crack. I talked to the landlady about it and she promised she would call someone to fix it, I waited and waited and nothing happened. One of my neighbors now told me that if I'm waiting for her to do it that I'll be waiting in vain that she won't do it. I had to take it upon myself to do something about it.

I asked myself where can I get cement? I now remembered one man in your street that moulds blocks used for building. I went to meet him and asked him to give little cement, he was reluctant at first but when I explained what I wanted to do with it, he gave me. As I didn't know anything that have to do with plastering wall, I asked him how I'll go about it and he explained.

I took the cement home, looked for a flat surface to mix it on and little by little I started plastering the wall. Initially, when I started doing it, the cement was falling off and it was funny to me but I kept going till it stayed. I plastered the two sides that were cracked in he room, then bought paint and painted it and it was looking brand newish. I thought that would bethe end of the cracking but no, it started raining again and another crack appeared, I don't plan on plastering though, I'll leave it like that and move to another apartment (make house no fall for my head one day)

After fixing, another side still cracked
Whenever I try to do something new and it works out for me, I'm always proud of myself and to celebrate myself, I take myself out and eat out then later go to market to cook something I'm craving, most of the time it's catfish peppersoup.

Images used are mine

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