LOH 191:Lessons to my younger self

If I could talk to my younger self, I would have so much to say. First, I would tell myself to worry less. So many things I stressed about didn't matter in the end. Those small embarrassments and mistakes that felt huge at the time? They're barely memories now.

Image is mine
I would say to be braver about trying new things. Fear of failure held me back too often. I missed out on experiences that could have shaped me. It's okay to mess up – that's how we learn and grow.

I would urge my younger self to be kinder, both to others and to myself. The harsh words I said in anger, the judgments I made too quickly – I wish I could take them back. And the critical voice in my head? It wasn't helping. Self-compassion is so important.

I would emphasize the value of real friendships. Some people I thought were friends weren't there when it mattered. But the true friends? They've been my rock through hard times. Cherish them.

I would tell myself to start saving money earlier. Financial stress could have been avoided with a bit more planning.

I would say to trust my gut more. Deep down, I often knew the right path, but I let others' opinions sway me too much.

These insights came from hard-learned lessons. If my younger self could hear them, maybe the journey would have been a bit easier.

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