Ladiesofhivecontest185: knowing and appreciating my worth

Happy Sunday ladies, hope we are doing well.

This topic took me back to a time on two or three occasions where I sat with my hubby and we were talking and I was like it's not easy oo, I'm really tired, my body is aching me and so on. He replied with 'is it not just taking care of the children and cooking, what is inside that I can't do?'. I just looked at him and smiled then said to him, 'it's not your fault nah, you think it's easy because you only press phone, bath yourself and go out, you don't have anything other thing to do. Let's switch positions for just one week and let's see how long you will last as you say it's easy'. He just laughed and said switch what? You and who should switch? Better be doing your own let me do my own, I just smiled and shook my head.

image is mine.
Everyday should indeed be Mother's day, it's not easy being a mother. It's a very difficult role. Motherhood is role filled with boundless love and sacrifice. We are the nurturers, caregivers and pillar of strength for our home. A home without the mother is incomplete, you will definitely notice if a woman is in a home or not.

Reminding myself of my own worth.
Despite how busy and occupied I am, I try and squeeze out few minutes to stay on my own, away from my children. Not having to shout at everything, sometimes I leave them with their father and go outside. I don't have anything to do there but I'll just go, just to have some peace and quiet.

I also mingle with mothers who have experience with motherhood. We share our experiences and listen and advice each other,knowing we are not alone on the journey of motherhood.
I also practice gratitude. Motherhood is a gift and in all things I'm grateful to love and also be loved.

I know what it takes to be a mother and being on the journey of motherhood is not easy so knowing my worth and appreciating myself not just on mother's day but every single day is not bad.

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