What a real date should be like: LOH contest 107


The Western tradition has brought about the existence of DATE usually practiced by both male and female. For the ladies, 17 above you are already preparing to go out on multiple dates because that is you are in your flowering stage and you are looking and beautiful and attractive and a lot of guys both young and old are already spreading their tentacles to get you.

The going on a date practice came with it's old rules, probably made by ladies of those days. Rules like not going late for dates, avoid talking to much or talking about yourself and your personal business, not having sex till the fifth or sixth date thereabout, dressing and looking more appealing and attractive and tons of other rules.

These rules are important to be observed as a lady, it adds more elegance to your beauty and makes you look responsible and respected.

I have never been on a date, an official one at that, just casual hangouts with friends but I have seen and heard a lot of stories on how a date looks or should be. However, having studied all of them I was able to compile my set of rules on how I should conduct myself on a date, or the rules that should govern what my date should be like.

Eating heavily on a date:

Sounds weird huh? And a lot of people will question the rule.

While going out on a date, I don't feel it is necessary to eat as though you were that furnished and you weren't coming from a house. I believe before everyday goes on a date, she should eat well and before fitting a dress to avoid situations like:

Feeling like using the loo either to urinate or defecate. Yeah by the time you start munching down a lot of food, there is every tendency that you would use the loo a couple of times.

Your dress might probably get soiled or bursted especially if the close was a fitted dress, or better still your tummy will be protruding.

I feel while going on a date, an official one I should eat and drink less, I don't have to look like a glutton on my date.

Inviting friends to come alongside with you to the date❌❌❌

I see a lot of girls do this, it's very absurd, I don't think this type of idea should come across your mind, talk less of asking the guy if your friends can come over. It's a date not a picnic or party. Privacy is highly essential for reasons like;

The guy might not be financially stable but has to still impress you and your friends thereby making him spend more than his budget.

Also his privacy should be respected as well and to him he wants that particular moment to count and make it really special for you, so bringing your friends no matter what makes him really uncomfortable and he might not be able to speak out.

Fiddling of Phones on a date

You've been with your phone for ages and the date might just last for about an hour or two. Your phone should be in your purse or even when you get to bring it out, you shouldn't be fiddling with your phone while conversing with your partner.
If you really need to fiddle with your phone, excuse or dismiss your partner, go home and continue with your phone.

It's a date not a history class

Not really cool to talk a lot about yourself and your past and all your exes and what transpired in the relationship. It's not time to talk about your family tree. It's a time to connect, have fun and make every moment count. So talking too much, too fast and about yourself a lot is a no no no, I didn't come for histories.
These are to me the necessary rules I can portray on my date.

I must say that it was a very nice question, thanks @saffisara for compiling such an interesting topic like this.
I would love to invite @etorobong, @peckypeace, @kingswill, and @johnuko to join the contest. I would love to hear how their dates should look like.

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