LOH(101) My Hive Friend and Luminary

1️⃣* Tell us about a woman you have met on Hive who has an inspiring story. Tell us why you were inspired by her story & how is it comparable to yours? Is she going through a similar experience?

I landed on hive, at a point I was on my own. I never knew way on hive as at that time, I was still a newbie and I never understood anything on Hive. I would just barge into communities and make posts violating the rules governing that particular community. As at then there was no Hive Learners community which trains newbies in the hive space and so I never knew my right from my left.

I could recall once that I had an issue with a moderator of a certain community and I was thrown(muted) out of the community when I repeatedly violated their rules. At a point I think Hive watchers were on me and warned that any more mistake from me my account will be blacklisted.


I cried a couples of days and I never engaged hive for a month or so. It was quite funny to them that hive could make me cry so much and look so pale.😂😂😂😂

Well to cut the whole story, I came back to hive after a month and the very post I saw was on @pincessbusayo. She wrote about her success story on hive. She shared the challenges she faced on hive and there were the same challenges I faced. Hers was worst. She shared her growth and the energy she gavi in to jive even when she felt like giving up. I was a bit relieved that I could still settle comfortably on hive without having issues with anyone and I would also do so well.

I commented the post and I shared my experience with her, we git to talk and she kept on encouraging me not to give up. She said a whole lot to me which changed a whole lot about me and give then. Subsequently, she would comment in my post and would upvote and reblog as well.

And today I am a role model to another on hive even with my little efforts
@princessbusayo her success story inspired to never give up on hive😁

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