My Relationship With Death (LOH #160)

Death. Its a topic that many don't like to think about, let alone talk about it. But we should talk about it, it's such a important rite of passage. Something that needs to be honoured. I really believe that we need to support those who are in the process of dying, so that they can pass on peacefully. With the opportunity to express themselves in whatever way they need, so that their conscience is clear and their hearts are full.


Being able to facilitate a peaceful death, is really a gift that we can give to others.

If I were told, that I was to die soon. That there was no way, in which I could cure or heal myself. Then I would accept my faith. Of course it would be difficult, I would not like to leave my family. But I also, would not like to spend my time stressed, fighting for the very thing, I woulf be missing out on, if I put up a fight.

I have faced the death of loved ones, the pain that it stirs and leaves behind. Before you begin to understand the power of grief. A love so pure, that it enables you to move on, to honour your loved ones, by living and continuing to love them.

I would want to spend my time with my girls and my friends, hopefully being able to engage with them. Even just to be amongst them, that would be enough. To hear them converse, to see them as they filled their days. My last days, would be for them.

I would not like to waste that time,
by trying to resist my faith. By letting despair take over me. I certainly would not like my girls, seeing me in that way. I would want them, to be at peace, so that is how I must be.

I say all this, hoping that I would be able to accept my death. That I could, make the best of what time I would have left. Yet, who really knows how we would respond, if we were faced with it. I wish only that I could honour it. As best I did my life.

This is my response, to the following question from Ladies Of Hive Contest.

Death is inevitable. It is beyond our control to prevent it from happening. What would you do if you were to learn that your death is imminent? Will you fight for your life to live longer for your loved ones? Or will you keep it not to be a burden to them, and just wait for your time? Explain why?



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