Memorable Christmas Meals and dessert. LOH#161

Hello hive community, it's a good day and fun day to write about Christmas, Christmas is a time where we get to spend quality time with our families, during this period we don't have to care about work or anything because people are on break from works and so are the kids.

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This period is a great time to celebrate with different kind of meals and dessert, well this period is a fun time especially for the kids since they always eat till their fill.
Last year, I didn't prepare much for the Christmas period, because we went to spend it at my moms house, it was a good time because my mom had an habit of preparing a lot of delicacies, even though they wasn't enough money she always made sure that there were varieties of things for the children to eat, she always made sure that everyone had a taste of different things they would want to eat.

But for me I have this habit of preparing this food we call "Ekpangnkuwo" we prepare this appetizer with just few ingredient you can easily get from the market, not around you, the market is the best place to get Ingredients for this delicious appetizer and I usually serve this when they are done eating their normal food for the day because it gives a different kind of taste to the mouth.
The last time I prepared this was the last festive period and I don't have a picture of one I had personally cooked , so I tried to look for one that I could use as an example here is you guys can have an idea of what I am talking about.

This meal is made with cocoyam and wateryam as the main ingredient, so let's proceed as I give you the process on how to prepare this delicious appetizer.

You will need:
*Palm oil
*Shrimps (optional)
*Pumpkin leaf

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-The first step is to peel off the skin of the cocoyam and waterfall and rinse thoroughly in water

-Next your cut them into square big cubes and and put in a bowl for easier access.

-Next you need a grater, you being by grating this two items onto a tray or bowl

-Next you slice an onion in small chucks onto the barter and add in your salt and seasoning to taste

-Then you mix them together and next you start taking out little parts and folding them in your pumpkin leaf

-Pour palmoil into a pot and start arranging the barter covered with pumpkin leaf in it

-Next add water add more seasoning and more palm oil and also your periwinkle and every other thing that is in the recipe, and allow everything cook together until the yam barter looks done

-Make sure it is well cooked before bringing it down from the fire to avoid it burning

This is one sweet delicacies that I don't miss serving my family every year and there is one thing I like about it, it is from my culture and my husband who is not a part of my culture actually appreciates it. And also it is not expensive to put together, it is a meal for both old and young.

The Christmas period makes me bring out the happiness in my family whenever I prepare this.

P.s : Images are not mine but we're gotten from a friend with her permission

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