Ladies of Hive Community Contest #70 - The Most Dreaded Chore

Hi Everyone,

When I saw the latest topic for the Ladies of Hive Community, I laughed. I have a list of things I hate doing around the house day in day out like loading the dishwasher, unloading it, dusting, cleaning the toilet but the one I dislike the most is doing the laundry. As many of you know, I have 2 young boys and boys can get pretty messy when they are out at a park or even playing in the garden. There were times in a day we changed 3 times due to various reasons meaning I need to start the washing pretty much every day. Now they are at school, you would think it will lighten the load, but the same thing goes around every day.

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We have a habit now due to COVID we always change when we come home from outside to eliminate any germs lingering around the house. All the worn clothes goes straight into the wash to reduce any chances of getting COVID again. This also includes any uniform, socks, singlets and so on. Not only that, sometimes they go to sports after school so those uniforms will go in the wash also. For the 4 of us, that would easily be a load each day. I got to the point I can't be taking out the washing every day and on days it rains for a few days, I have nowhere to dry the clothes. So 2 years ago, we got a dryer and that solved most of the problems in the washing and drying department. Keep in mind that there are still sheets, pillow cases, towels, bath mats etc all on top of the daily washing.


The most dreaded part of it all is folding the clothes. Not only that, I would have to separate each stake to different owners and what occasions ie sports so by the the end of it, I would have lots of different piles. I hate doing it so much I would save at least 2-3 loads of washing and fold them together while I watch TV. This means I would wait a day or two before folding any clothes. By the end of the second day, one of our couches will be full of clothes ready to be folded from what you can in the pictures. I used to feel bad that I am not doing a good job getting the house in order but at a certain point, I just do what I can each day and get by. Folding the laundry isn't a priority and if anyone is desperate to wear a shirt I've just washed and its not in the cupboard, they can always search for it in that pile. Luckily my boys don't really care about what they wear which is why I can get away with the folding the laundry as they have so many other shirts to choose from when they go out. Let me invite @livinguktaiwan to see what is her most dreaded chore.


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All photos & videos are taken by me & co in all my blogs/stories unless quoted.

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