Japan - Our Temporary Home


Hi Everyone,

It's been a very busy week trying to settle into our new destination in Japan. We will be here for an extended period of time and having the kids go to a new country will be once in a lifetime experience. The last time they were in Japan was 3 years ago, so they don't remember anything apart from being on a plane and whatever they have seen in photos. Our first destination would be Hokkaido briefly so we could see it without being too cold. That being said, it was already freezing when we arrived as we were coming from somewhere quite warm, and the kids were not used to the drastic change.

The first few days were to take them around some sites around Sapporo, experience the local food and culture and hopefully slowly ease them into life in Japan when we move to the countryside/non-city life. I have packed a lot of stuff for the kids but coming to somewhere so cold, I realised what I bought may not be sufficient and also tried to fit in with the local style, so I bought myself a few items as well to keep myself warm. I also stocked up on a few skincare items as what I normally use was not moisturising enough for this cold weather. I love Japanese skincare, so I won't complain there.

I am hoping to share more of our life in Japan here more regularly since we are getting used to life here in Japan and hopefully pick up a few Japanese phrases along the way out way around in the countryside (apart from using our trusty Google translate app).

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Thanks for reading. If you like my post, please follow, comment and upvote me. There will be more exciting posts & destinations to come.

All photos & videos are taken by me & co in all my blogs/stories unless quoted.

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