What is the most important thing that I carry with me?

Ladies of Hive Community Contest #54

What is the most important thing that you ALWAYS carry with you, and why?

The first thing that comes to mind when I read this question isn't a tangible object like a phone, wallet, computer, etc. Instead, I'd like to share something invisible but valuable: MOM'S advice.
Not many people think about this, but my mother's lessons are the most important thing that I will ALWAYS carry with me. All the advice that my mom told me when I was a child because they have become such an important part of who I am. Her words of wisdom have led my way and today I am a bearer of those words.


Many people often say that the best advice they ever received was from their mothers. It's definitely true. I am one of those people because my mom's advice is what carried me through life and still does. I remember the first time I told my mom that I was going to work abroad in Singapore more than 5 years ago, she had a momentary panic attack, but quickly calmed down and told me about all of these things I needed to do before leaving. I met some difficult challenges when I first time experienced living my life somewhere far from home. Having the words of my Mom and her encouragement helped me overcome the challenges, and I am aware of how that has impacted my life.


I believe that we never leave home without the lessons we learned from our mom. Even if we don't remember all of them, we will take them with us and they will be a positive influence in our lives. The lessons my mom taught me and I still carry them with me today and till the end of my life. Mom taught me to be polite, always try my best; be myself; be courageous and strong; learn to take care of myself first and not give up. These words that mom handed down to me resonated in the deepest parts of my soul. When I carry her advice, it's just like carrying her in my heart.


My mom always told me, "Don't be afraid to speak up for yourself." That statement has guided me through many difficult situations over the years. She wanted me to know that even when people speak harshly about me, I know that they don't truly know me. She constantly told me not to judge them for it and to let it go. These words of wisdom still ring in my head every day and have guided the way I live my life. Whether it's telling us to be tough when times are tough or being patient, she never fails to remind me what to do in the tough moments of life because she knows all too well how hard it can be.

What else I've learned from my mother during my lifetime, it's the importance of having the right mindset and making good decisions and it has a huge difference to my life. By having a positive attitude, I will be more likely to make good decisions and take care of my needs. I may not enjoy every moment, but it’s always worth looking back on with fond memories.


The most valuable thing in life is someone who will always be there to watch out for you, with the best intentions. Mom's words of wisdom are the lifelong luggage that will get me through anything that comes my way. Even though my mom is not a professional in any field, her advice has guided me through the tough time. Her simple and common-sense advice has become the golden rule for me to live by. Mom's always there in times of need when the road ahead seems too much for me to handle on my own. This is what I would like to teach my daughter one day: when you're at the height of your pain, reach for mom.

What about you? What is the most important thing that you ALWAYS carry with you, and why?


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This is my entry for the Ladies of Hive Community Contest #54. I would love to have my friends join me in the contest so I'd like to invite @dora381, @kimloan, @thu172, @babeltrips, @snownz008, @sunnyvo, @winnietran, @lynnnguyen, 😃😃😃 along as well. WHO else? Let's join us in the great community of Hive ladies and inspire each other. Thank you saffisara for the great topics♥️



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