It's Time to Gather With our Beloved Ones

Ladies of Hive Question #59

1️⃣ The holidays are all about tradition. What is your most cherished family holiday tradition? Tell us about it, how it came to be, and why it's special to you.

Hey lovely ladiesofhive,

What are you planning for the upcoming holiday season?

The holiday season is coming, and it's time to take a break from work and gather around the dinner table with our family and beloved ones. It is definitely a time for laughter, reflection, and celebration with those who matter most. For many of us, the holidays are the one time during the year when we can revisit traditions with our loved ones. We have been waiting all year, especially after all the tough things just happened, we will be finally filled with happiness knowing that this time is something special. Let us make sure to enjoy each moment as memories will last a lifetime.

What is Tet Holiday?

The holiday season is a very special time of year for many people. It can be a time for celebration, togetherness with friends and family, or the chance to take some needed time off work. For Vietnamese people, Tet is a time for celebration and togetherness with loved ones and friends. The Tet holiday, in Viet Nam, most commonly known as Vietnamese New Year, is the most important and well-liked holiday and takes place on the first day of the lunar year.




Why the TET holiday is so special to us?

The Tet Holiday is one of the most important holidays in Vietnam. The holiday is celebrated with family and friends traveling to their ancestral homes, visiting relatives, exchanging gifts, and eating traditional foods. People also prepare feasts during the day and enjoy firecrackers at night. We can also meet up with friends or relatives we haven’t seen since the Lunar New Year, which took place in February. One tradition of Tet is children visiting elders and wishing them well for health, happiness, longevity, and wealth in the new year ahead.




Home is where the heart is !!!

Many people go away for work during the year, and New Year is the chance season to return home and we cherish the time spent with friends and family. We often have a lot to tell our friends and family about what we have been up to.

We do understand that whenever we go, but in the end, home is truly the best place to be. The presence of loved ones, family, and friends at home is what makes it so special. There is always someone there to lend an ear, provide advice, offer encouragement, or simply share your joys and sorrows with you. Anytime we want to feel comforted and loved, there is no better place than in the arms of our family and beloved ones. They provide a sense of belonging and family. That's the reason why we cherish the TET holiday and the quality time with those we love so ♥️♥️ . Let's go back home, baby !!!



I'm sure that many of us want to celebrate every holiday with the people we love most but some want to enjoy them by themselves without feeling guilty about it. Everyone needs a break from the hustle and bustle of modern life. Whether you're going back to your hometown for Christmas and New Year, or exploring a new city during a vacation, or just trying to escape winter at your family's cabin, I wish you a happy holiday season no matter where you are in the world.

Those pictures were taken at ROM coffee shop during my visit on New Year last year. I will update you with new pictures from our celebration soon

Sending you a HUGE LOVE from Viet Nam and wishing you a happy and safe holiday season.♥️♥️♥️


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Yay!! Another successful contest of our community and this is my entry for the Ladies of Hive Community Contest #59. Thank you elizabethbit for the great topic. I would love to have my friends join me in the contest so I'd like to invite @dora381, @luynnnguyen, @winnietran @kimloan, @trangtran23, @thu172 along as well.♥️




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