My Reward? A Book. (LOH #193)

I've said countless times how so much my online reads have affected my everyday life. It was pretty bad at first.

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Basically, at some point, it was hard adjusting to daily work because of how I go about reading for a whole night and force myself to catch a little sleep probably by 4 am while knowing I would be up by at most 5:45 am.
That aside....

You find me reading everywhere, on the road, in taxis and even in any possible free time while at work, I couldn't help it but needed help too.

These stopped with so much discipline because the level of my procrastination was becoming too much and its effect was more negative than positive.

Instead of being affected anymore, I discovered a way of turning tables around which brought the reward of “reading” after tasks are completed. That is, my online books becomes my reward for a job well done!

Naturally, I love keeping so well to my space, you can't call me a complete introvert but I would rather celebrate my accomplishment in the comfort of my home and make it more special, with my special someone around at the time.

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On a normal day, like I said earlier on since the table is turned around, if I get to complete all my tasks for the whole day I would be super excited knowing it would be a fantasy night with my online reading, absolutely for a normal day while to make it more spicy, preparing a bowl of Jollof fried spaghetti would also lighten my atmosphere, and probably a little giveaway to close pals too would share in my moment.

Precisely a warm atmosphere alongside my online book(main reward) would feel so good after having a fulfilling day of a job well done!❤

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