Choosing A Stay.(LOH #195)

The first time I traveled out of my country to venture into another was quite exciting and a little disappointing. I was excited about being in a place aside from where I've called home for so long but the disappointment came in when I looked around to notice there wasn't much of a difference between where I came from and the place I was. I mean in terms of environment, maybe because of the location or could probably be the African way. Well, it was a nearby country and that could be just it.

Aside from the environment, every other thing was different especially the weather conditions at the time. I never knew such cold existed until I got a first-hand experience. My visit made me realize how poor I react to food am not used to. I couldn't even take a bet on tasting, aside from the one that looks attractive to the eyes only then would I give it a try and that's how we did most of the cooking ourselves after a stroll to the supermarket.

Also, another visit, this time to a more civilized country, was very much welcoming. It felt like entering into a different world entirely. Hearing people speak their language didn't bother me at all, none of my visits ever did and their way of life too, as a matter of fact, I was curious to explore as many places and everything I could lay my eyes or hands-on aside from the food.

Right there I knew it wouldn't be easy to settle in an unfamiliar environment except am ready to go feeding on jusjunkks. Good thing it was only a few week's visit and am back to my familiar but unlikeable environment.

Yes, I am so disappointed in my country. making livelihood difficult for its citizens, harboring bad governments and wrong people in power who had traveled to civilized nations across the world, most even going as far as settling their families there while leaving ours to rot.

My country isn't in the best shape right now and if allowed to immigrate to a more civilized nation, I'm 85% sure of a large amount of people readying to give their all to make sure not to miss out. Before I would have joined this crowd of people but I doubt I would want that now.

Not because of my experience with food okay, it's among the secondary reasons. But it's mainly because I tend to see things differently. As long as there's no break out of the Third World War, I don't see a reason to immigrate. I sure love to explore the world more if given the privilege, but it would be based on holidays or work not on a permanent stay.

I feel there's so much improvement I could provide my country with and numerous ideas that I prefer to keep mute. these and more reasons are why I would choose to remain footed in my hometown even with the complying financial crisis surrounding the nation. Immigration is good and I suppose every man does what works for him just as my take on this too.


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