If money were not a problem( ladies-of-hive-community-contest-154)

2️⃣ What is your big dream for your life? If money were no object and you could do with your time whatever you wished, what would you do with it? What would you create?

I'm writing this post in response to ladies-of-hive-community-contest-154.

My biggest dream would be to have a law firm where i can help the poor and the oppressed in the society get justice they deserve in this wicked world that's full of oppression and marginalisation, particularly in the part of the world where the rich seems to get away with everything, since they believed in power of money.

The poor don't have a voice of their own. They are beclouded by injustice. I have seen a case where a rich man in our community molested a teenager and buy his way of out justice. He had to pay off the family so that they won't press charged. In a society where the poverty level is high. There is no way such case won't be forthcoming.

I won't only establish a law firm but also have an NGO that cater to the need of the common man in the society. I want to see an NGO established with the sole purpose of serving the needs of the common people in our society. Any voice could be heard loud and clear through this organisation, regardless of one's social or economic standing. The NGO's objective would involve empowerment and skill development initiatives in addition to legal aid. We can encourage self-reliance and end the cycle of injustice by providing people with essential skills and the means to support themselves.

While growing up, i have seen the biggest injustices perpetrated in our society, and it is so painful to see that those who are supposed to curb or uphold the law are the one jumping justices.

I believe in a society where there is true justice, people will shun crime and embraced oneness. Many people have lost it all the name of material wealth. In a society where there is justice, crime would lose its allure, and people would prioritize their integrity over material wealth

If money won't be an issue, then all of these that i have itemised would be possible. Money, as the saying goes, can facilitate the realization of dreams. I hold firm in my belief that my ambition to champion justice against all odds can become a reality. In a world where true justice reigns, we can pave the way for a brighter future, where fairness and equity triumph over oppression and inequality.

let's create, inspire and thrive together.

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