Somethings make me better When I'm feeling down~ Ladies of Hive #56

I'm very happy to join this contest from @Ladiesofhive to sharing my activities when I was stress. You can check the detail about this contest here and thanks @silversaver888 for hosting and @trangbaby for inviting me.

In life we ​​will sometimes experience stress or bad things. At that time, I was not in a good mood. People around me often comment on me as a positive person. So what did I do to quickly dispel the bad feeling and be happy again



I really miss my memory when I was in 10th grade. I got a bad grade because I didn't do well on the test. While my classmates have very high scores, I am the opposite. For the first time, I withdrew my savings then to buy baking goods. The first time I bake a cake, sifting flour, decorating or spreading cream on a cake makes me feel inspired again. I have more fun when I record the moment I cook. Seeing the shape of the first cakes I made in my life made me so excited. At that time, the bad feeling of getting bad grades disappeared



(The first time I baked)

Cycling around the city

I like the bicycle the most among the means of transport. When I have a bad feeling, I don't stay alone for too long in my room, but often cycle alone around the city and look at nature. Exercising for 30 minutes a day helps me regain balance in emotions and activities. I often have to use the computer and exposure to blue light makes me feel unhappy. Then I will immerse myself in nature, take pictures of people and trees around Hanoi
Sometimes I'll reward myself with eating out on the sidewalk. Food in Hanoi is delicious from savory to sweet. When coming to Hanoi, you should definitely eat Pho once because it is really delicious and eye-catching. Eating is also a way to help me relieve stress







There was a time when I was doing a lot of work at the same time. I don't know how to organize my time and am often stressed and depressed. At that time, I had the courage to quit my main job to travel within 10 days to the sea in Ninh Thuan. I turned off the internet at my phone and immersed myself in the unspoiled nature of this place. I talk to the local to understand about their life and activities. I wake up early to watch the sunrise and watch them catch fish





I understand that everyone has moments of fatigue and difficulties in life. I always thought I was very lucky, there are many people out there who are less fortunate than me. So every time a negative thought strikes, I will regain hope and be positive when I look back at the photos from the travel trips I've been through. When I see the picture, I smile, I'll be happy again

You too, don't get buried in a bad mood. Lift yourself up by doing the little things you love. Cooking, writing diary or simply thanking someone important. Why not?
I'd love to invite @trangtran23 to join this interesting contest😋

Thank you for reading my post. Wish you a day full of joy!

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