Grocery bags, Scented Candles and love- A Perfect Saturday -LOH #140

Who doesn’t love the weekend? It’s an opportunity to unwind from whatever the previous week brought and recharge for the next. I especially love Sundays because of that special Sunday sleep right after lunch. That sleep is therapeutic. Saturdays, on the other hand, can be tricky.
Taryn Elliott- Pexels

No matter how hard I try to get a full weekend of rest, I just never seem to get that. Before now, Saturdays used to be free for me since I was a child and would sometimes be dropped off with family friends to enjoy the weekend. It usually was a fun-filled day. Now those kind of days seem like they happened centuries ago. Now I’m all grown up and realistically speaking, a perfect Saturday won’t be spent in a park completely. here’s what a perfect Saturday should look like for me:

There’s a short form fantasy answer and a long slightly realistic one. In short, I would really appreciate a day ALONE at a 5-star hotel with assorted fancy meals, Netflix and electricity

No Events:

The world has somehow managed to steal Saturdays especially in this part of the world. Weddings, and every other kind of event outside work falls on Saturday, and people complain that their weekends are short. It has to be because eventually we only have Sunday to rest. A perfect Saturday should be a Saturday I spend time on myself and my family.

Getting Set for the next week:

As much as I would love to use my Saturdays resting, I wouldn’t want to fantasize too much. A great Saturday will be spent grocery shopping and preparing for the next week’s meals and whatever needs to be prepped. Ideally, this activity should begin on friday, so I can have ample time for other things. Once that’s sorted, I would like to spend some hours for personal care such as my hair, nails. Hopefully the children will be at their grandparents’ so I can do all of these things. Once I’m back home and I am able to do some cleaning and sorting ingredients for the weeks cooking, I can enjoy a hot bath, with scented candles all over the house.

Some Romance could come in too:

A night out with my husband would absolutely be a welcome idea. We could go on a date in a Cinema, or just do something romantic and fun together.

A perfect Saturday for me though, is really getting ready for another week. If my home isn’t in order before Monday, the entire week becomes chaotic. As much as I would like to spend a whole day in a fancy hotel, I wouldn’t want to go back home to meet reality in the form of a week-long list of chores I’ll have to struggle to get done during the week.

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