The things that I'm most grateful for | Ladies Of Hive Contest #64

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It's always good to be grateful

I often join contests when they make me self-reflect on my life because it never hurts me to do some self-reflection and often brings me to new insights as well. Even though life can be rocky at times, and things aren't going smooth in some areas, there are always things that are worth thinking about because they go smoothly. If you can't think of something right away, that's most likely because you took that thing for granted and don't even realize not everyone in the world has that luxury. And if you have experienced rock bottom as I have in the past, you will probably recognize these things quicker than someone that has had a smooth life so far. Exceptions are there, of course. I just learned first-hand that it opens your eyes to many things in the world when you have nothing left to lose. You need to rebuild yourself from scratch as everything else has been peeled off so the speak.

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1️⃣ What are you most grateful for right now?

Let's just dive in, let me tell you the things that I'm currently most grateful for. And I will tell you why this is as well.

Having a roof over our head

Having experienced homelessness in the past, this was something I haven't been able to take for granted always. Having to sleep in the car with the necessity to write down on which corner you spend the night in to not be cut from the already very tiny monthly pay a homeless person receives is something that makes you feel very little, I can tell you. When you overcome this situation and slowly move up to building something again, you realise all too well, how important that roof over your head really is. I feel lucky to find an upgrade each time we move. We're defo not yet where we once were (a family house), but then again, I wouldn't want that house back anyway as my wants and needs have changed. We're sleeping with a roof over our head, while many people in our area sleep outside in the streets even though the cold winter nights. I'm lucky that I'm not one of them.

Having enough finances to live comfortably

We are not where we need and want to be, for example, I could not replace this car yet or even pay for big reparations it needs, BUT at least I can say that we're having some savings here and there and I'm able to move around some stuff to pay for luxury things if we want/need it. Which is 100% the opposite of 1,5 years ago. We barely made it through the end of the month back then. Our finances are growing as well, and I feel this year is going to be a year of growth in many ways. I feel very excited!

Having a car

Having a car for about a year has enriched our life deeply. Imagine that I'm saying this while we bought a shitty car (so it turned out) that has many things broken, and therefore we will not take the risk of travelling far, we only use it within Budapest just in case something happens. Even with these limitations, I feel so lucky to have one again. I can now drive my child to kindergarten rather than hours of travel with masks on my face, wasting my time waiting and travelling with busses that arrive too late. It's so much more convenient and efficient and only for that, I feel so blessed to have our rusty car. Life has become so much easier and less stressful because of the car, I don't think I can do without it anymore, to be honest.

A good work-flow

Lately, I've experienced a quite steady good work-flow. If you take out the few days that I didn't feel well for some reason, or was super tired, I can safely say that overall, I had a good flow that made it ten times easier to be productive than when I'm feeling blocked. I think that the high price of Hive and those weeks of ATH's have awakened me again and I could not be more grateful for that! I feel a constant flow of inspiration and that means I'm earning ok with my content. It's still not where it needs to be to make our move to Spain happening this year, but I'm growing and working hard to make it happen!

Side husseling

Managing a few social media accounts for Hive projects means that I'm able to buy more crypto thanks to these earnings. Now that I'm at that point where only fiat goes in, rather than constantly taking it out, I can re-invest these earnings into the projects that I see fit and this means I'm getting closer to reaching my goals with every payment I receive.

Great focus

Lately, I've been super focused on what I want, need and what I have to do to make it happen. This is helping me tremendously to keep a positive spirit and not get dragged down into doubts and what if's that normally occur more often. I feel very grateful when I have a good focus as I currently have.


For some, this would come first, but I can't say we're completely healthy, especially not my boyfriend with his stomach issues. But I know many people are doing much worse, so I will add the health part to my list of things I'm grateful for as I also know that we can partially improve the health situation ourselves. If you leave out the dirty air that we breathe each day, and add some exercising and being on top of our diet more, this would end up higher on my list.

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I have quite a few things that I'm most grateful for at this moment and writing them all down makes me even more aware of the fact that sometimes a bump in the road doesn't mean everything is going to collapse, it's just a bump in the road and I will overcome it. There are too many things going great that I should not feel discouraged by hurdles along the way.

This week I want to invite my sweet online friend @beautifulwreck <3

That's my entry for this week, thank you for reading and I wish you a great weekend!

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