Ladies of Hive Community Contest #200: Life, Success and Failures

QUESTIONS: How do you handle failure, and what do you learn from it?
| How do you define a meaningful life, and do you feel you are living one?

Failure has always been subjective for me. Everyone has their own definition of failure. However, it's also one of the most difficult words to define.

When do we consider that something or someone has failed? I guess, we'd answer this question differently depending on our views and the situation.

Failures, for me, are stepping stones towards success. I believe that we won't be able to truly experience the essence of success unless we experience failures in life. They make us stronger and give us the opportunity to learn and become wiser.

Just like many other things, life can be likened to trial and error. It's full of uncertainties and it's often difficult to come up with the right decision. I sometimes even wonder if there's truly a right decision... I think it's mostly the better choice.

Trial and error requires risks... sometimes, we avoid them (which isn't entirely bad, but it would make our life stagnant). And when we take risks, there's bound to be some consequences.

We either fail or succeed, but failing doesn't mean the end. We can try again... and make better choices.

Others also say the true failure happens when we give up. Do you think so?
My answer is... it depends. There are things that we should give up and let go in order to move forward. Giving up doesn't always mean running away and showing your weakness. Giving up could mean letting go of the chains that are stopping you from moving on.

To be honest, I still can't comprehend the exact meaning of failure, success and even life. I think we live our lives in order to seek answers... that way, we can find our own definition. Sometimes our search for them gives us a purpose and a reason to continue living.

If I were asked whether I'm living a meaningful life or not, I wouldn't really have a concrete answer. I think, if I can bring change, then my life would be meaningful. But even I don't know what these changes are. I just try to live day by day.

I do have some goals and purpose... but sometimes, I just want to live life as it is... without the pressure of achieving anything. I just want to simply breathe... and live surrounded by the people dear to me.

This is my entry for Ladies of Hive Community Contest 200... I tried answering both questions in one post, but I wonder if I really have real answers. hahaha

Thanks for reading and see you around! (^^,)/

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