Ladies Of Hive Contest # 8 - My Aspiration

Hey ladies, this is Ladies Of Hive Contest # 8


Are you excited? I know I'm excited. And like always, the questions are very interesting and quite out of the box. So this time I chose to answer question number one, that is :

1️⃣ If you started all over again, what kind of career would you like or want?

So first I'll tell you why I chose this question to answer. Well, the reason is although I already am doing a job I had always aspired to be something else. Now, what is that something else?

I want to be a traveler

(That's me, many many years ago... On a ship cruising through the Bay of Bengal)

Yes, I want to be a traveler. I wouldn't say that I wanted to because I'm still hoping and making my own path to become one. I wanted to make my whole career out of it. And maybe do photography on the side. But I didn't want to do photography as a profession. When I was younger, I and my family would travel every few months.

(Mini ME at Taj Mahal, India... decades ago)

Although I only traveled once outside the country when I was a kid, I did a lot of traveling back then within the borders. This is why I developed a strong feeling of seeing the world.

Even now when I’m outside, the view will always occupy my whole attention. I don't know what is it that draws me to it so much, honestly, I don't think I want to find out. I just want to enjoy the beauty all around.

(On the way to Kutubdia, Chattogram)

Well, I couldn't do it all these years. I have barely traveled anywhere. Although I had a plan to start traveling past May, this COVID19 lockdown has spoiled my plan. But I will do it sooner or later. I want to be a traveler and had dreamt about it, planned for it a lot. But instead, I went with a college degree and settled for a desk job. No, I'm not complaining about having a desk job. During these harsh times, having a job is big security. So yes I intend on having both. I will travel and do my job all at the same time.

So, what do you think?
Can I juggle both careers at the same time?

I would like to invite @kerrislravenhill @tanjakolader and @jizzyjoe


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