LOH #195: Angels Born On Earth.

Greetings ladies and beauties of ladies of hive. Hope we all had an awesome amazing week. And thanks to the weekend, we will be resting to energize with our loved 🥰 by our side.

Thank you for this awesome amazing questions dear @marivic10 .And am so excited to give my contribution on question number:

2️⃣ This Sunday, we celebrate 🎉 Children Day in my country (Venezuela). If you have children, how do you celebrate their day? If you don’t have children, do you ever let that “child inside you” out? Tell us what you do, and how does this make you feel?

Children are indeed angels born on earth. Wether we are mothers or not, we must have in one way or the other experienced and encountered what beautiful souls children have. And am using this opportunity to send a Big Happy Children’s Day Celebration 🎉 to all the beautiful souls born in Venezuela 🇻🇪. “May all your days be filled with laughters and your dreams be a reality ❤️” And to all my Hive friends from Venezuela 🇻🇪, your children will continue to shine ✨ as the stars ⭐️ that fills the earth 🌍. “Happy Children’s Day”.

As a mother of two beautiful girls, I feel so fulfilled that I celebrate 🎉 my girls every day. Here in my country Nigeria 🇳🇬, Children’s Day is celebrated on May 27th of every year, corresponding with my Birthday too 🥳 as a May child. This day is usually a very special day for the children and parents because it’s something so huge for a country to celebrate their young children who they believe are leaders of tomorrow.

For me this very day is a special day I usually make out time to give my girls some nice treat despite what ever work schedule. Since there is always a holiday announced before hand to the celebration 🎉 day. And my girls are grown up now, so we just seat together to discuss on how to celebrate the day which usually could end up taking a trip to the beach or the park but we will first make a stop over to Domino for pizza 🍕, Cold Stone Ice Cream and some chips 🍟 and chicken 🍗 which they delight in so much. Its always fun filling day full of memories

Frankly speaking, I find so much joy towards this day and other days I spend with my girls because its always fulfilling as our children are our strength. We must always make sure to spend quality time with our children wether during celebration 🎉 or not because this is the opportunity for bonding time as our children will always expect this from us.

And sometimes, parents shy away from taking out time to spend time out with their children due to some financial insufficiency, but it’s not all about what we offer them, but the time we spend with them , talk with them and discuss outdoor with them which is very educating apart from the ones taught in schools. The children will always appreciate this times, keeping it in memory and reflecting on them from time to time.

Children are angels 😇 on earth, but sometimes we do not see it because we are engrossed with work and overwhelmed with one burden or the other. But if we take out time to spend time with our kids, we will see the other sides of what God has created in our children, and begin to also see that they are the bundles of joy 🤩 in our hands and lives. I feel so fulfilling anytime I have time with my girls because all that we do, we are doing for them and our family in general. And we should also remember that their future lies in our hands, so if don’t get to bond with our children 👦, we will not be able to know what they like to help bring out the best in them.

Sending love to all the mothers and mothers to be. Find your joy 🤩 in your children 🧒❤️💕.

Thanks for reading ladies

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