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HER Power, HER Voice! (LOH 171)


I hope YOU all are enjoying Good Health.


I always wonder how the world looks alike when men and women enjoy equal opportunities. No one is superior, everyone is enjoying equal rights.

Did you ever thought like this???

Having a world where woman pursue her dreams according to her desire. No Limitations, no Cultural Boundaries, her voice is heard and her contributions is valued.

What this TERM actually meant???

The term "Women Empowerment" means having equal opportunities for women in the society. She can freely participate in every activity. Equal access to resources just like males. No one else can made decisions in her life and imposed on her. She possessed a right to make her decisions by herself. There is no interference of anyone.
No limitations, no boundaries, no interference, just You and Yourself and doing whatever you want.


Empowering the Women possessed a very multitude benefits in every aspect of life. On individual base, it gives confidence and self-decision making abilities to women. It enables them to pursue their goals and prioritize their well-being. In communities, through their active participation and contribution in every field of life reduce poverty from the society. Societies benefit from women empowerment as it enhanced economic growth, social justice. In other words, Women Empowerment is not just about equality and justice, but it serves as a catalyst for global development.

Personal Experience!!!

I used to came across various situations where the rights of women are violated. When I visited village side, women didn't have any right. They possessed no right of education, having no self-worth even they can't speak in front of males. The world has made an extraordinary progress in every field of life but still there are places where women didn't have access to their basic rights. It's a pitiful situation, indeed.

Women Empowerment should be highlighted in every corner of the world. So that, every woman know her rights. Live a free life and not bounded by anyone. Having no restrictions, following her dreams according to her desires. This is the age of 21st century, and its the need of the hour that the world should know that men and women are equal, they are treated on the base of gender not by their sex.

Source of Images are given.